New Publication in Plant Methods

New Publication in Plant Methods

New publication about “Accurate machine learning-based germination detection, prediction and quality assessment of three grain crops” just got published in Plant Methods.

Our proposed machine learning-based method can help to speed up the assessment of seed germination experiments for different seed cultivars. It has lower error rates and a higher performance compared to conventional and manual methods, leading to more accurate germination indices and quality assessments of seeds.

New Publication in Bioinformatics

New Publication in Bioinformatics

New publication about “Network-guided search for genetic heterogeneity between gene pairs” just got published in Bioinformatics:

We propose a novel method for finding pairs of interacting genes that are, upon combination, associated with a phenotype of interest under a model of genetic heterogeneity. We guide the interaction search using biological prior knowledge in the form of protein-protein interaction networks. Our method controls type I error and outperforms state-of-the-art methods with respect to statistical power. Additionally, we find novel associations for multiple A. thaliana phenotypes, and for a study of rare variants in migraine patients.

Wissenschaftler sagen Tulpen-Müllbergen den Kampf an

Wissenschaftler sagen Tulpen-Müllbergen den Kampf an

Zierpflanzen, Stauden oder Schnittblumen sind hierzulande extrem beliebt, vor allem in der Woche vor Muttertag brummt das Geschäft. Dieses Jahr allerdings ist die Nachfrage nach Blumenschmuck oder Sträußen trotz Muttertag eingebrochen, weil aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie viele Veranstaltungen wie Hochzeiten abgesagt wurden. Das Problem, dass die Nachfrage nach gärtnerischen Produkten stark von externen Faktoren wie Witterung, Feiertagen, regionalen Veranstaltungen oder anderen – oftmals noch unbekannten – Einflussfaktoren abhängig ist, besteht für viele Wertschöpfungsketten im Gartenbau.

Two new research projects are funded!

We are pleased to announce that two new research projects will be funded by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food as well as the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten.