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Bachelor’s or Master’s Theses

The bioinformatics research lab at the Technical University of Munich, TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences is constantly looking for highly motivated candidates for

Bachelor’s or Master’s theses in Bioinformatics or Machine Learning

We conduct state-of-the-art research in various topics related to Machine Learning and Bioinformatics. Regarding Machine Learning, we work on different topics related to Computer Vision, Time Series Forecasting, Generative Models as well as Reinforcement Learning. We further do research in classical Bioinformatics that involve the development of novel computational tools and machine learning methods to gain a deeper understanding of complex biological and chemical processes. For more information on our research, see here.

Based on that, we are able to offer diverse state-of-the-art topics from Bioinformatics over classical Machine Learning to Deep Learning. During your thesis in our lab, you will be supervised by one of our experts in the corresponding field. You usually start with a thorough literate research for the specific topics before you implement existing or new approaches. Finally, you will evaluate your results and draw conclusions for future research.

As we offer diverse topics in different fields and with different levels of prior knowledge, feel free to contact us in case you are highly motivated in conducting state-of-the-art research in our lab. Please indicate in your application if you are interested in a Machine Learning, Bioinformatics or combined topic.

Your skills:

  • You are close to finishing your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, preferably in data science, computer science, math, bioinformatics, biotechnology or a similar subject
  • Very good programming knowledge, preferably in Python
  • Strong motivation and interest for research in Bioinformatics or Machine Learning
  • For all Machine Learning topics, experience with Machine Learning, both theoretical and practical
  • For all Bioinformatics topics, you need at least basic Bioinformatics skills
  • Ability to work and learn new topics autonomously
  • Proactive, goal-oriented and communicative way of working
  • Good language competence in English, written as well as spoken


Contact person:

In case you are interested, please contact Dominik Grimm or the team member responsible for the research project you are interested in.


Professorship Bioinformatics

Petersgasse 18
94315 Straubing


Prof. Dr. Dominik Grimm

Phone: +49 (0) 9421 187-230


Team Assistants

Anna Fischer (Maternity Leave)

Jasmin Schneider

Phone: +49 (0) 9421 187-201