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Dominik receives the excellent teaching award

Dominik receives the excellent teaching award

Recently, the student council of the TUM Campus Straubing (TUMCS) for Biotechnology and Sustainability awarded the prize for excellent teaching for the first time to Prof. Dr. Dominik Grimm. A “Tree of Teaching” behind the new “Sustainable Chemistry” teaching and research building facing the Danube is dedicated to him. The student council had already chosen Prof. Grimm as the winner last year, and now the students congratulated him with a sign next to a newly planted silver willow after completion of the new building and the adjacent green space.

Jonathan joins the Team as PhD Student

Jonathan joins the Team as PhD Student

Jonathan joins the team as PhD students. He will work on novel machine learning and reinforcement learning problems within the project “Reinforcement Learning for Automated Flowsheet Synthesis of Steady-State Processes”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

New BMBF Funding

New BMBF Funding

Together with Computomics GmbH we successfully attracted funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for our new project “CropML: New machine learning techniques for more accurate plant breeding by integrating heterogeneous external factors”.

New Paper and Conference Talk about EVARS-GPR

New Paper and Conference Talk about EVARS-GPR

We published a novel machine learning algorithm EVARS-GPR an EVent-triggered Augmented Refitting of Gaussian Process Regression for Seasonal Data. Florian presented the method at the German AI Conference. The talk can be found on youtube: